December 4, 2023

ID Ghana‘s Group leaders training


The role of group leader is crucial for the attainment of ID Ghana’s vision as group leaders are the link between the community and ID Ghana. In effect they play a critical role in ensuring the success of ID Ghana’s mission of bringing financial inclusion to the less privileged. Hence ID Ghana takes their personal development serious and from time to time organizes a capacity training workshop for them. It is against this backdrop that ID Ghana once again, organized a training program. The program aimed to provide training and support to group leaders, and also to improve their skills and knowledge in managing their groups effectively.

A total of 950 group leaders participated in the training. The participants were divided into three groups so in all there was one session for each group. The training was delivered in a seminar form, each session was a full day affair with breaks in between participants were refreshed and appreciated at the end of the program. The training program was designed to be interactive and participatory, with a focus on practical skills and knowledge that could be applied immediately. The participants were provided with training on financial record-keeping, loan management, group dynamics, partner’s rights and responsibilities, risk management, transparency and accountability. They were also given an opportunity to share their experiences and challenges in managing their groups, and were provided with guidance on how to overcome these challenges.

The training program had a significant impact on the participants, who reported feeling more confident in their roles as group leaders. The improved capacity of the group leaders to manage their groups and support their members resulted in improved group management and decision-making. This, in turn, has led to better repayment rates and increased access to credit for the group members. It has also empowered the leaders to become agents of change in their communities. Overall, the group leaders training program has been a success, with participants reporting increased confidence and improved skills.

ID Ghana believe that the training program has contributed towards the achievement of sustainable development goals, particularly SDG 1, which aims to eradicate poverty, and SDG 8, which aims to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. By improving the financial management and decision-making of the groups, the program has contributed towards poverty reduction and economic growth in the community.