December 15, 2023

ID Ghana provides a ‘Ten-seat Biogas Toilet’ facility for Kweikrom community


Improved sanitation is one of the key targets of MDG 7, which aims to ensure environmental sustainability. Through the implementation of a toilet project for a community, ID Ghana has successfully provided a crucial service of ten seat biogas toilet facility to the residents of Kweikrom in the Central Region of Ghana. The project aimed to improve the sanitation conditions and prevent the spread of diseases. Our team worked closely with the community leaders to identify the most suitable locations for the toilets and to ensure that they were built in a way that was safe, convenient, and sustainable. Before the project, the lack of proper sanitation facilities led to several health issues, particularly among children. With the new toilets, the community now has access to safe and clean sanitation, reducing the risk of diseases.

One of the key benefits of the project is the reduction of the burden on women and girls and improvement in their overall health and wellbeing. Women and girls are often disproportionately affected by poor sanitation, as they are the primary caregivers responsible for maintaining hygiene in households. The project also created job opportunities for members of the community as local laborers were hired to help construct the toilets, and after the project was completed, some were trained to maintain and clean the facilities. This did not only contribute to their livelihoods but also improved the overall hygiene of the community. In addition, through various awareness programs, we were able to inform the community about the importance of sanitation and proper use of the toilets.

Overall, the toilet project has had a positive impact on the community by improving their health and wellbeing. It has played a significant role in improving sanitation in the community and improving access to clean and safe toilets, which is crucial for maintaining good hygiene and preventing the spread of diseases. The project has helped to bring the community closer to achieving this target. Additionally, the project has also contributed towards the goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by creating job opportunities for members of the community. By providing education and awareness on the importance of sanitation, the project has also contributed towards MDG 3, which aims to promote gender equality and empower women.