ID Ghana is a small-sized microfinance institution with partner (client) base of 15,050 active borrowers accounting for an outstanding portfolio, of (GHS) and an active partner base of 7,494 members as of May 2023.
ID Ghana operates in two different contexts defined as “market areas” and “community/residential areas”.
The organisation’s network is currently composed of one Head Office and six Service Centres (Kaneshie, Chorkor, Teshie, Pokuase, Kasoa and Dome)
active borrowers

Initiative Development Ghana (ID Ghana) was created by Initiative Développement, a French non-governmental organisation working in the field of community development, which had set up an HIV/AIDS and microcredit programme in the deprived communities of Cotonou, Benin and replicated the experience in Accra.
In 1998, ID Ghana was incorporated under Act 179 of the Ghana Companies code 1963 as a company limited by guarantee and subsequently registered with the Department of Social Welfare of Ghana as a non-governmental organisation (NGO). ID Ghana further defines itself as a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organisation.
In 2005, Initiative Développement handed over the microcredit programme to Entrepreneurs du Monde (EdM) that was specialized in social microfinance whereby ID Ghana has benefited from both financial and technical support.
In 2012, ID Ghana became the first NGO to acquire the Financial NGO (FNGO) license from Bank of Ghana under Tier 3.
At the end of 2013, ID Ghana achieved sound profitability and sustainability results.
“To live in a community where the less privileged are empowered in achieving sustainable socio economic activity”.
“To offer unique social and financial services to the less privileged to develop their own income generating activities in order to improve the living standard of their families”.
Core values
- Universal humanitarian principles: ID Ghana FNGO believes in humanitarian principles by rendering socially oriented services to its partners
- Responsiveness and trust: ID Ghana FNGO believes in responding quickly and satisfactorily to the concerns of its employees and partners
- Integrity & Innovation: ID Ghana FNGO believes in being Honest, Trustworthy, Consistent, Open, and always acts in dynamic and innovative ways in accordance with the highest ethical standards. ID Ghana believes in constant development of new products and services to meet the felt needs of partners.
- Neutrality (non-discriminatory approach): ID Ghana FNGO believes in refraining from any form of discrimination on ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual grounds and shall endeavour through its work to promote diversity and particularly the advancement of women and children in civil society and the economy.
- Dedication to and engagement with target group: ID Ghana FNGO believes in empathy towards our less advantaged partners and dedicating itself to the advancement of the poor and the less privileged in society.
- Disciplined and dedicated work force: ID Ghana FNGO, because of its mission, is directly affected by its employees and therefore, believes in Attendance, Punctuality, Reliability/Dependability and Commitment to perform required tasks from all employees.
- Participatory governance: ID believe in true partnership as a tool for behavior change and sustainability, hence includes the views of partners and staffs, at the core of all decision making process.
- Care for the environment: ID Ghana is committed to supporting activities that promotes environmental sustainability